The company has also increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing at all sites, including all door handles, stairway handrails, elevator buttons, and touch screens, among others. It’s staggered start and break times and suspended exit screenings to aid social distancing.  He also went on to add that the company is implementing “a series of preventative health measures for employees and contractors at our sites around the world – everything from increasing the frequency and intensity of cleaning to adjusting our practices in fulfillment centers to ensure the recommended social distancing guidelines. We are meeting every day, working to identify additional ways to improve on these measures. “We’ve placed purchase orders for millions of face masks we want to give to our employees and contractors who cannot work from home, but very few of those orders have been filled.  “When our turn for masks comes, our first priority will be getting them in the hands of our employees and partners working to get essential products to people.”