The attempt to curb cyberattacks have been in vain, as the system continued to reboot, leaving several hundred without a proper heating system and hot water for more than a week. This is actually a very dangerous time for the heating system to be broken down, especially with a DDoS attack. Apartments and houses comprise up of older aged inhabitants, and the extreme environment without the facility of a heating system could actually result in death. Given below is brief post on what actually took place, according to the Hacker News However, another source claims that after the DDoS attacks took place, the system got switched over to manual, allowing an easier reboot of the system. Valtia, the company that was responsible for providing heating facilities to residents was stated to bring back the systems online from behind a firewall. The company will be looking into this with a closer eye, but it should be advised that skilled individuals are placed behind the manual switch just in case another DDoS attack takes place.