Facebook and Instagram outage not due to any hack but some code mis-configuration says FacebookFacebook outage ascribed to hack attack by Lizard Squad

At around 2.15 am ET, both the services were up and limping back to normalcy and now they have been restored to their 100 % running state. Facebook officials categorically denied any hacking or third party attack on Facebook and Instagram. A Facebook spokesperson told The Next Web that the reason behind the outage was a misconfigured code.

Facebook outage ascribed to hack attack by Lizard Squad

All it took was one tweet from the infamous band of DDoSers, Lizard Squad for many main stream media websites to conclude that Facebook had been hacked.  Lizard Squad made a very innocuous tweet which just state that the Facebook was down. But the fact that they added the #LizardSquad was enough for everyone to ascribe the Facebook outage to an hack attack by Lizard Squad. https://twitter.com/LizardMafia/status/559963134006292481 Big media websites like IBT, RT, Times of India, News Day, News.com.au, all jumped their guns and started publishing stories about a hack attack on Facebook with the readers willingly lapping it up. All these main stream media websites are now coming out with a counter story about Facebook hack being caused by a server code misconfiguration rather than a hack attack. Facebook users swarmed Twitter with all sorts of criticisms, barbs, sarcastic comments or jokes with the hashtag #FacebookDown. The hashtag #FacebookDown remained on of the top trending hashtags world over.