It is believed that the weapon will be imported to European criminals within days, as officials fight to control the borders amid terror fears following a series of terrorist attacks in Europe in recent months. Made by the Minnesota-based manufacturer, Ideal Conceal, the 9mm double-barrel pistol known as the “iPhone Gun” has been pre-ordered 12,000 times. The company behind the legal gun said: “In today’s day and age, carrying a concealed pistol has become a necessity. But what if you didn’t have to conceal?” “Smartphones are everywhere, so your new pistol will easily blend in with today’s environment. In its locked position it will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight.” Head of the company Ideal Conceal, Kirk Kjellberg, said he got the idea after a child saw his own gun in a restaurant and got scared. “There are some people that would take serious issue in the workplace or somewhere else to see a gun on you, and I think it gives people the opportunity to avoid that conversation,” he said last year. Priced half than an iPhone 7, the device will open for sales around 330 pounds. Even though no copies have been found in the country, the authorities in an alert Belgian police at the weekend, say that it might be expected to turn up on European streets soon. “To the eye, nothing can distinguish it from a mobile telephone,” said the Belgian police alert, reported by Derniare Heure newspaper. “Most people possess a smartphone, meaning that it can pass completely overlooked.” In July last year, a passenger travelling through Stansted Airport in Essex for possessing an iPhone case that was designed to look like a gun. Source: Evening Standard